Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter

I have a funny Harry Potter story to tell! I pre-ordered the book 7-8 months ago. I have been so excited about it coming. I knew it was coming today and figured the mailman would leave it on the porch like he does with everything else. We got home from Elyssa's soccer game. I couldn't see a box from the street and got kind of concerned. Then, as I walked closer to the house, I noticed one of those little yellowish slips that say "we tried to deliver. . . ." I almost cried! It said that I could pick up my delivery on MONDAY! AUGH! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL THEN!

I ran inside and called the post office. The lady said that it would have to be Monday. She was very nice and apologetic. I decided to drive up to the post office and force them to give me my book! Talk about going postal! I'm almost near tears. Not really, but I was angry and disappointed and worried. My adrenaline was really kicking up. I had to get my book!

I got Elyssa and her step-sister in the car. We started to drive and I saw a postal truck. Screeech! I get out and ask him if he delivers to my street. Sadly, he does not. BUT - he knew where my guy would usually be at this time of day. YEAH! We drive over to that area and begin cruising up and down every street. I begin praying, "Please God. Let me find my book!" I told Elyssa and Gab that their job was to look for the postman. One street. Two streets. Third street - THERE HE IS! I pull up behind him and run to his side of the truck and hold up my delivery slip and ask him if he delivers on my street. HE DOES! I said, "Can I please have my Harry Potter book?" He broke out in a big smile and stopped his car. He said to bear with him while he gets it and scans it. I said I'd wait all day. I told him I'd go get him a drink if he'd like one! He just laughed.

THERE IT IS! IT'S IN HIS HANDS! He checks my slip and tells me how he would usually just leave boxes on the porch, but with this book they had explicit instructions to confirm delivery. He said he was lucky, he only had 7 to deal with - not many readers in my area. He handed it to me and I squealed with joy! He laughed even harder. I thanked him profusely and carried my precious bundle back to my car. I yahooed with joy again and heard him laughing.

I opened the box in my car and just couldn't put my book down on the seat. I then carried it into my house and held it for awhile. I can't start reading it because I have too much to do to get ready to go out of town. If I start, I won't be able to stop. I'm also one of those who likes to peek at the last page, but am resisting temptation with this one.

Yea, Harry Potter! Yea, United States Postal Worker who was so kind!


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