Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lucy and Aslan

Elyssa and I saw Prince Caspian last night. It's a good movie, but they change too much from the book and that annoys me. I know they have to do it sometimes or else the movie would be 14 hours long. I'd rather have the 14 hour movie. They just changed the order of some things and added stuff. It's still a good movie. Maybe I just need to see it again.

But what I loved was how Lucy sees Aslan and her face lights up and she runs to him and throws her arms around him. That's how I want to be with Jesus. But I hold myself back - I'm sure it's because of my lack of worthiness feeling. I like that she has no hesitation. She doesn't feel like she's intruding. She feels comfortable and free.

I want that too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our Father ALWAYS is ready for us, He's never too busy, never distracted. He gets excited when we go into His presence in prayer. His only stipulation in granting our requests is FAITH or BELIEF. IF we ask BELIEVING, He WILL grant our request, usually FAR beyond our expectations. Go for it, ASK, BELIEVING.