Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Books and the Duck Pond

Elyssa and I had a great day yesterday. We went to the library. I'd never taken her to the public library before - what's wrong with me? Oh, that's right. I was stuck at Barnes & Noble the past few years. With gas prices the way they are, we'll be going to the library more often. We had a great time! She loved it. We sat in there for a few hours just reading.

Then we went to feed the ducks. Our church put out a booklet thing for the summer with activities to do as a family with corresponding scripture. So we fed the ducks and then read Matthew 6:25-34 which tells us not to be anxious because look at how God takes care of the birds. It was awesome - great fun and awesome discussion about the things we worry about. Elyssa said it was the best day ever!

I found another book by the author of Eli. It's called The Wager. It's a modern day Job story. God and Satan make a bet about this movie star who is also a Christian. Satan does all this horrible stuff to the man. It's cool to read his struggle and see his rewards - a good reminder of the world's crap and God's wonderfulness. (Is that a word?)

Funny how I write about not being anxious as I sit here being anxious. I'm not really sure what it is exactly that I'm anxious about. I'm just feeling blah. Blah. I don't like myself right now but I'm not sure where that's coming from. I need to process through it, but all I want to do is go put a movie in so I don't have to think. Elyssa just went to her dad's too - maybe that's part of it?


Amy said...

Well, I like you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure going to her Dad's has something to do with it - especially after you all had such a meaningful, uplifting day. I think Satan probably doesn't enjoy your finding joy in God's wonderfulness and will try to squash your "moment" at the pond with your daughter.

Love you!!!

Erin said...

Thank you Amy! I like you too. :-)

Christy - I think you hit it on the head. I somehow always forget Satan is constantly working to take my joy all away. EVERYTHING is a spiritual battle. And I had JUST written about that Job story. Sheesh!

See, that's why I need to write more. It helps to get insight from my wise friends!