Friday, July 06, 2007


I don't think dating stinks anymore.

It's interesting to me how what you think you are can change so quickly. I always viewed myself in one way. Picture me in a certain box. I've been in that box for my whole life. Yeah, we know Erin. She's the girl in that box. You can always count on her to be in the same one. Forever. I'm not sure I want to be in that same box for all time. Stepping out of my box at this moment seems very exciting, but maybe dangerous. I don't know.

I think I've seen too many movies.


Amy said...

Erin, I've been doing a lot of stepping outside my box lately, too. It's exciting, exhilerating, and just plain fun! Yes, we need to be predictable, as I told my friends tonight, but that doesn't mean we have to be boring and bored.

I don't think dating sucks anymore either. I've been on a few dates with a few different guys over the last couple of weeks and it has been a blast. Those would not have happened had I not stepped outside of my little comfortabe box. I'm proud of you for doing the same thing.

Remember who you are and whose you are. Remember what you believe and what God's word tells us about relationships. Pay attention to warning signs. But, by all means, get out of your comfortable box and get out on that dating highway.

Amy said...

BTW, let me tell you about the best date I didn't have recently...
I was supposed to go to a friend's house. He was going to cook me dinner and we were going to watch movies. It didn't happen. He called to cancel. He was back with his fiance and they are getting married in Septemer. I'm going to be the photographer. So, probably a good thing that the date was cancelled...I don't get too attached & I got a paying gig out of it.

Anonymous said...

As my Dad would say: "You go girl!"