Tuesday, July 22, 2008


It's been a busy week. My 94 year old grandmother passed away on the 13th. We had her funeral on the 17th. It went really well. I started having abdomen pain that night. I knew it was serious somehow, but didn't want to go to the hospital down in Lake Jackson, Texas. So we drove home (7 hours) on the 18th and went straight to urgent care. They sent me straight to the hospital, which put me straight into surgery. I had to have my appendix out.

I was upset because I was supposed to leave for family camp with my church on the 20th. I actually got some tears when they told me I was going into surgery - not from the horrible pain I was in, but because I was going to miss family camp. When I was alone in radiology for a moment, I looked up and said, "God - I'm not sure why you're doing this, but I trust in You and Your plan and if You don't want me at family camp, then I'm not going." I got sent home on Saturday morning. They sure don't keep you in the hospital anymore for very long! I have a picture of my appendix, but I won't put it in here for you. I'm thinking the doctor gave it to me because Elyssa made me ask if we could just keep the appendix. I was glad he said no to that idea.

Monday morning my mom has to call 911 about my dad. I could go into the long details about his alcoholism, but I'll spare you. He went into the hospital on Monday afternoon. They are still doing tests on him, so we're not sure what's really going on. There were some blood pressure and blood sugar issues. He's been borderline diabetic for years, but won't take care of himself. I think there are some liver issues coming up now. I know he went a few days without drinking and then made up for it on the Friday I was in surgery. When I find out more, I'll let you know.

Please keep us in your prayers. We're all pretty messed up over here right now.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Erin... you all are constantly in my prayers...
Love you

Amy said...

You've been in my prayers since I found out about the appendectomy. I'll be praying for your dad and the rest of the family now, too.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Christy, since you seem to be Erin's good friend, but don't live close, if there is anything she needs and is too proud to ask for, would you let me know somehow? :o)

Sorry, Erin, I had to do that. I know that recovering from surgery is hard. I've don it twice in the past year and it would have been much more difficult if I didn't have my friends around to help me. Love ya!

Carlotta said...

Praying for you and your family.

I don't have all the right words, but I am sincere in asking if you need anything that I can help with... Please know that when I say I am praying for you that those are not just words. Carlotta prays for Erin regularly, especially now. I work in GV, as you probably know, so I am VERY close. Please don't be hesitant to ask for help, if you need something. Any of us who are able to help would love to. I know Amy and she would be THRILLED to help with anything she possbily could. She's an amazing friend.

We love ya and are in your corner.

Erin said...

You guys are super sweet to offer to help me. I'm not above asking for help if I need it - I PROMISE! There's just really nothing that needs anything right now. I'm moving around pretty good. I just talked to my dad and he sounds horrible, but the doctor hasn't been there yet today. Really prayer is all we need right now.

Amy and Carlotta - we have to meet for dinner soon. As soon as I can wear clothes without it hurting! :-) You guys are very kind. I really appreciate it.

Jeff said...

Allow me to jump on the bandwagon here and say that ABSOLUTELY I am praying for you and ABSOLUTELY if you need anything at all, I'm here for you as well.