Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Nothing to Say

I'm not sure what is going on. I just can't write. Either there is no time, or what I think about can't be shared here (since my secret codes never work) or I have nothing to say.

You know that little voice? The bad one that you should never listen to? I think it's taking up too much of my head. Maybe I'll write something soon on that.


Amy said...

I feel ya. I had a bad case of writer's block recently. I also know what it means to have that little voice whispering in your head. I'll keep you in my prayers.

When are we going to dinner?

Erin said...

We need to do dinner soon! But I have no idea when that would be.


Anonymous said...

My friend - PLEASE get with someone who can help you control the "little voice" instead of having it control you. You've been struggling for so long and you must be getting weary of trying to wait it out and beat it with your will... God has blessed people with gifts to specifically help us (His children) in times like this. I think you need to reach out to one of them... who love Him and have been blessed by Him who can help you hear Him.

Carlotta said...

I was wondering why you'd been so quiet. I've missed reading your thoughts and insight.

Anonymous said...

That's funny - I'm here and reading... I just feel I get too "preachy" sometimes (as I probably did this time), so I just read and say a little prayer!

Erin said...

You are not preachy at all! I love everything you say. Your advice is right on. It's just fear that's holding me back. :-)