Saturday, February 07, 2009

Mind Games

I need help. I have horrible self talk. Horrible. I say horrible mean things to myself that I would NEVER say to any other human. I lost weight. I put on muscle. I felt great! Then came the appendix and the knee. I've put on weight. I've lost muscle. I feel horrible.

I struggle so much with liking myself. I know all the answers, but maybe I still don't believe them? Why do I let Satan get in my mind like that? Why do I let him use me that way? He knows what works and I know he knows, but I still let him whisper in my ear.

Please pray for me. Pray that I'll lean on God. Pray that I'll stop trying to fight this battle alone, because I'm still trying to be super woman. Pray that my pride will lessen and that my confidence as a child of God will soar.

I am not what Satan says I am. I am a warrior for Christ and though Him I can do all things.

Do any of you have horrible self talk? What's been your best weapon against that?

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

No Time

I'm doing it again. No time to write - or at least I'm not making time to write. I'm not making time for anything. That's why I feel so down in spirit, you know?

It's almost 11 pm, my daughter is still not in bed, I'm not in bed, I haven't made lunch, her bag isn't packed, I didn't exercise today and blah blah blah. Ugh.

Today I have been divorced for 5 years. FIVE YEARS! How can that even be possible?