Sunday, November 11, 2007

Phone Prayer

Have you ever had someone pray for you over the phone? Tonight was the first time that's ever been offered to me.

I was having a bad moment because of my dad. My dad just has a way of making a person feel guilty and wrong about things. Long story short: Mom called to ask if I had pudding. I said no and asked if she was going to go get some. She said she didn't think so, but what did I need if she did go. I asked for milk. She wrote it down. Then my dad gets on the phone and tells me I need to be more supportive of my mother instead of asking her to go to the grocery store for me. See, my mom has to make a decision about her job. My grandmother was in the hospital all week and is now home with oxygen. My mom may lose her job if she does not go back to work, but my grandmother isn't really well enough to stay alone. I got very angry with my dad. How dare he act like I'm ordering my mother to go to the grocery store! How dare he assume anything when he's mostly drunk and has no idea that I was talking to my mom the night before and asking if I needed to stay home with Mer? I know it's his deal and I shouldn't take it on, but being a burden to someone or asking someone to do something for me is one of my hang-ups. I don't do that. I don't ever want someone to think I've treated them badly. And here is my dad telling me that I need to be more supportive. I was angry and crying and of course the guilt starts creeping into my head. Here come the doubts: was I treating my mother wrong? Was I not being supportive enough? The answer to those questions is no. My dad just made some assumptions about me. But why make those assumptions about me? What have I done to make him think that way about me? When had I ever treated anyone that way before? Was it because my daughter spent the day down there? Was that bad? Was she in the way? Was I a bad mother because my daughter stayed down there?

Oh I was angry. And sad. And hurt. Do you see how the bad thoughts just spiral out of control for me? I somehow go from my dad being a jerk, to me being a bad daughter and a bad mother. Wow.

I called my friend Shannon because she has some dad issues like mine. I was just going to ask her to pray for my mom and her decision. She said of course she would, but right now she was going to pray with me on the phone. So she did. I just cried and cried. I want to be surrounded by people who love me like that. It's making me cry right now. I so desperately need love and support like that all the time. But I have to break this wall around me where I think I have to be put together and happy all the time. I have to reach out to the love and support that's right there waiting for me. I like the breaking wall. Of course, my wall is just barely cracking. It's hard as hell and hurts and is scary. But the love you feel after . . . it's worth it.

It's like how Jesus is waiting for us to ask Him for help, love and support. He won't ever force it on us. We must go to Him.

Thank you Shannon, for being there. Thanks for offering to pray with me on the phone. Hearing you reach out to our Lord for me - I can't explain it. I loved it. And I love you so much.


Amy said...

Isn't it such a wonderful blessing when God gives us friends like your friend Shannon? I'm so glad you had someone to pray with you and for you when you were going through that.

I know all about taking on the guilt and switching around what the issue is. It is Satan at work trying to bring you down. Don't let him. It is a powerful tool of his, so don't allow him to use it on you.

Keep up the good work with the counselor and nutritionist! I'm so very proud of you!

And by the way, thanks for the link you emailed the other night. It will be very helpful, I think.

Anonymous said...

God wants you to have Joy, be happy, and be filled with His love.
He uses people like Shannon to fill
up others. Shannon has learned what we should all know, that when we get our supply of love from God, we can give it away freely and never worry about depleting our supply. When Satan uses your Dad or anyone else to harm you, see it for what it is and try to love them anyway because it is very
hard on him to be used by Satan to injure others. Lots of us love you
and want for you what He wants for you.