Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Scared to Write?

I know God gave me the gift of writing to sort out my thoughts and feelings - to get the the truth of things. Lately, I just haven't been able to write. It's amusing to me. The carefully crafted wall around my heart is beginning to crumble. I can feel it crumbling - I want it to crumble - but I find myself with my duct tape and super glue, ready to build it again, just in case. In case of what? I have no idea. My brain knows that fully surrendering to God will be just the thing I'm looking for.

My counselor said I have to make time to write.

It doesn't even have to be writing here. But I'm not even writing in my pen/paper journal. What's holding me back? Fear. Who is the fear? Satan. I don't want to be in his power. I'm told it's a process. I want instant fix. But nothing really worth it is instant.

I'm off to kickboxing and yoga.


Anonymous said...

It appears you are at the point of sitting it out OR dancing. I recommend you dance! The first steps are usually taken timidly, but after that, joy will set in, and "the rest," as they say, will be glorious history. Go for it, write! Show everyone the Erin God sees! Dance!

Carlotta said...
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Carlotta said...

Are you still scared to write? I check back here every day.
Come on, I love to read what you have to say and what you share with us.
Miss ya!