Saturday, October 28, 2006

His Hands

2 Corinthians 1:20
For no matter how many promises God has made,
they are "Yes" in Christ.

We had communion at The Village tonight. I've never been emotionally moved by communion before. To me it was a symbol - but I don't think I really understood the symbol. I mean, I got it in my head, but not my heart. The pastor used the verse above to explain communion.

When we eat and drink, by faith we are saying Christ is enough. In our pursuit of Him, by faith our hearts (bad desires) will change. It is a celebration of His return.

He asked us to think of what promises God has made that we need to make "yes" in Christ. He asked us to pray and meditate while the servers were passing out the bread and juice. I turned in my Bible to Psalm 37 again. Have you read it? Really read it with a spirit of "God teach me - tell me - be with me" kind of attitude? We all have things that weigh us down in this world. This blog kind of shows where my struggle lies. But everyone has something. I focused on just the first 8 verses in Psalm 37. It's the promise that I want made "yes" in Christ. Sometime, when you can be alone and really pray for God to speak to you - read it.

Verse 4 - Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Really God? My desires? You will give me what I long for? You care about what my heart desires?

Verse 5 - Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this:
My God - I will trust in You always. You've proven Yourself to me over and over again.

Verse 6 - He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
My righteousness? My righteousness will shine like the sun?
Yes, Erin - because of the Son!

Verse 7 - Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him. . . .
Abba Father - I am waiting - not always patiently, but more patiently than before.

Just listen to those promises! Such overwhelming peace do they bring to me. I'm overcome.

This seems like a big change in subject - but indulge me for a second. I have always been fascinated with the hands of men. It is one of my favorite parts of the body. They can be so strong. They can be so tender. They can be so protective. They can be folded in prayer. It's the strength that I see in a man's hands first. I guess that's just my "protect me" inner voice crying out. What I pictured tonight during communion was Christ's hands - reaching toward me. His hands would be stronger than any earthly man's hands. I wasn't picturing the holes in His hands - although now I am. I could just see His hands - they are for me. I want that strength to be holding me. Then I thought of how strong His arms would be. I can't wait for His arms to be around me either. Think of the safety. Think of the peace. Think of the love.

Jesus - my Savior. You are the most perfect Man for me. Let me remember Your love. Let me be Yours - for always.

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