Monday, July 09, 2007

Subtle Reminders

How can you not love Star Wars? I'm reading Sacrifice, which is part of the Expanded Universe. I have to give you a little background so that what I want to say makes sense.

Hopefully you all know Luke and Leia. Well, Leia married Han Solo and they had 3 kids: twins Jacen & Jaina and Anakin. Luke married a lady named Mara Jade and they had one son, Ben (named after Ben Kenobi). Sacrifice is set about 40 years after Episode IV (A New Hope). Jacen has decided the only way to save the galaxy (the galaxy is always in trouble) is to become a Sith like his grandfather Darth Vader. Luke knows that trouble is brewing - he can feel the dark side coming closer. But Jacen is such an powerful Jedi, Luke can not pinpoint the danger. Luke fears for his son Ben. He thinks the dark side is after Ben. He has no idea what his nephew Jacen is up to.

One night, Luke is awakened and feels the dark side near. It's been in his home. (It was the Sith teacher, Lumiya - but that's getting into detail that will only confuse you. I'll spare you.) He realizes that over the years, he has allowed himself to become "management" instead of rushing to the aide of the needy as he did when he was younger. He thinks:
I know what my problem is. And now I act sensibly and soberly, because I'm the leader of the Jedi Council, and I'm not nineteen anymore.

What he did best was right wrongs, and if he couldn't put this right for his only child, then what was he?

I forgot who I am.

He was an uncomplicated man who cared enough about his friends and family to die for them, if that was what it took to save them.
Even the great Luke Skywalker forgot.

Even the "always a good girl" Erin forgot. I'm more in my right mind now. I've been talking about it with good friends. I'm not trying to do it all by myself. I've opened communication with God again. :-) I'm not saying exactly what He wants to hear, I'm sure, but at least I'm talking to Him again. I'm trying to remember.

Of course, it is easy to have convictions when the temptation is in California. . . .


Anonymous said...

One day at a time. Today is all you have to do. God already has tomorrow. As you go through your day, remember that there is another set of footprints next to yours, except when He is carrying you. Remember Him.

Amy said...

"Of course, it is easy to have convictions when the temptation is in California. . . ." I love that line. It is sooo true.

I know what my beliefs are. I know where I stand on certain issues. I know what my faith says. I know what my God says. It is easy to tell you these things when I'm not facing temptation. When temptation is staring me in the face, it is much more difficult...sometimes almost impossible.

That's why it is so important for me to know what I know and know why I believe a certain way. If I don't have that down, temptation will win everytime.

Glad to hear that you are doing better, though.