Friday, January 02, 2009


I can't believe it's another year. I know everyone says that, but where is the time going? You know what's the funny/dorky/dumb thing that is on my mind? In February it will be 5 years that I've been divorced. FIVE YEARS! What a waste of time to be thinking/worrying/wondering about that. Ugh.

I'm so tired. But not sleepy.

New year means new goals and wondering about the previous year. Did I accomplish what I set out to accomplish? I think I made progress, but I wish I had made more. I'm going to have to go back and read last January's thoughts and see.

My immediate goals? To write more. I think I've stopped that because I've worried too much about saying something that will annoy/aggravate/piss off a reader. (And I'm wondering where all my slash marks are coming from?) Carlotta wrote about that recently as well - worrying about people - not slash marks. It's funny - why we worry about what others will think. They don't have to read - they chose to read. We should not worry about them!

I want to meet Carlotta and Amy. It's time. It's past time. It's waaaaay past time. :-)

I want to become a bike rider. How do you do that? Since I had knee surgery in October, I've put on some of the weight I'd lost. I'm not too worried about it - it's just breaking bad eating habits and exercising. Exercising with a weak knee sucks. I want to ride and enter races. What kind of races? I have no idea. Do they even have that kind of thing? I would assume so - Lance Armstrong comes to mind. But I don't want to enter that fancy race in France. Ha ha. Surely there are like marathon thingys for bike riders, right? I've got a crap bike from Wal-Mart. Will I be laughed at for riding my crappy bike from Wal-Mart? I just didn't want to spend a bunch of money if I wasn't going to ride. Do I have to wear spandex? Yikes! Not sure about that!

My 20th high school reunion will be this year. AUGH! I have high hopes of meeting the man of my dreams there. Wouldn't that make a great story? Of course, it seems that they are all married. Sigh. Probably won't be happening for me.

I am SO rambling. I must go and try to sleep. We're taking Hershey to a dog park tomorrow. That should be an event. We've never done that before.

I think I have a couple of readers still hanging on out there. Thanks for sticking with me even though I never write anymore. I'm aiming for twice a week this year. I have so much to say. I must just make time for me.


Carlotta said...

Happy New Year Erin. I am still reading!

Looking forward to finally meeting you and hearing about your first official ride, even if it on your Wal-Mart bike...nothing wrong with a Wal-Mart bike! I don't own one right now, but my last one was from Target.

Looking forward to reading more from you this year. And don't worry about what anyone else thinks! (I am going to take that advice as well...)

Anonymous said...

I love cycling! I haven't been riding for a few years and am now fat! Oh well, there is a time for everything, maybe I'll get back on my bike one day.

Anonymous said...

oops, I forgot to sign my name (and my last name is Larkin, not Armstrong LOL).

Erin said...

Carlotta - I'm glad you are still reading! I read yours often - I just don't comment much. Keep writing.

Lance - you made me laugh.

Amy said...

So, when are we going to meet? I agree that it is past time.

My mom had knee surgery earlier this year. Her doc (one of the best in Big D) says that riding the bike is the best thing you can do for your knee to avoid having another surgery and sometimes for putting one off. Get on your Wal-Mart bike and ride - it sounds much less painful than surgery to me. (I use dashes, not slash marks). :o)

See you very soon!