Monday, January 26, 2009


How is it that people get divorced and within weeks (OK maybe months) they are engaged again? It's not even people I really know - just random "friends" on facebook.

I haven't even really dated and it's been 5 years! How do you not fall into the trap of there must be something wrong with me? Not that I'm really falling into that trap but I could see myself going there. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Blech. It just sucks and that's all there is to it. And it makes me just a little bit angry which is probably wrong but it is what it is.



Amy said...

Dear, don't get angry. Pray for them instead. When they are divorced and then engaged that quickly it usually is the recipe for disaster. If you don't take time to heal and mend and figure out what went wrong, you're bound to either take out your pain on the new guy or repeat your mistakes since you don't know what they are.

Give yourself a pat on the back for not settling for just anyone and for working through the tough stuff. Your next relationship will be better for it.

Erin said...

I know that's true. It was just a moment of whiny "when's it my turn" and I'm OK now. I know I've still got work to do on me. God let me pick the first man and I lost myself and left God in last place. I truly believe God won't give me another until I get that sorted out.
