Friday, May 29, 2009

Tron at Subway

I did something tonight that I have never done before. I bought a homeless guy dinner.

I worked really late at school to get a lot of end of year junk finished. I decided to stop at Subway on the way home. There's this homeless guy who pushes his grocery cart around the shopping center near my house. I've seen him often - Elyssa and I have discussed him before. His cart was in front of Subway and he was sitting farther away. As I about to get out of my car, I just had the feeling that I should buy him dinner. After the thought crept in (while I was checking email on my phone by the way) I kind of shrugged and figured that was a weird out of the blue thought.

But the feeling got stronger as I walked inside. If you've ever had that nudge from God before, then you know what I mean. Anyway, I argued a bit: "Um, God? It's dark outside. I've never done that before. What would I say to him? I have no idea what kind of sandwich he'd want. What if he doesn't like Subway?" So I made God a deal - isn't that funny? I said I'll buy the sandwich, and if the guy is still out there then I'll give it to him. If he's not, then no harm, I'd take the extra sandwich home.

I decided on a foot long turkey with everything, chips and a bottle of water. I pretty much got the same thing except mine was a six inch with only lettuce, mayo and cucumbers. Just in case you were interested.

I walked out of Subway and his cart was no longer there. I was like, "Whew!" But he'd just moved it a bit. So I unlocked my car and put my food inside and walked over to him. I told him I just thought he might be hungry so I wanted to give him this. He said, "Wow. Are you serious?" and then proceeded to ask me if I'd help him share the message of God because He's coming down soon and going to destroy the world and I need to read Revelation 21 and he asked me to be a warrior/bodyguard for him because he was in some program where God was going to give him 10 million dollars if he could get enough bodyguards. I told him I just wasn't interested in any of that. I told him that I felt like Jesus wanted me to give him dinner and that was all I was asked to do. He asked me my name and told me his name was Tron. We shook hands, I told him to enjoy and then I went back to my car.

It was very interesting. And I feel like I was obedient. Cool, huh? Elyssa and I talked last summer about going to help at a homeless shelter. I think we will make more of an effort to do that this summer. She keeps telling me she wants to go on a mission trip. We can start here in Dallas.

And maybe we'll buy Tron dinner again.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Proud of you for obeying that nudge. I've been there and know how hard it is.