Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Twitter - Facebook Phenomenon

I read other people's blogs and I wonder why I don't write anymore. Why don't I write anymore? I know it's a time issue - I don't make the time to do it. But it may be because I find myself struggling with the same issues over and over and I think you must be sick of hearing about it by now. I don't write when things are going fine. I have to have some angst within me or it just doesn't flow. So yeah, there's stuff going on right now - mostly my impatience and how men I am attracted to won't do what I want - but this post is nothing about that. :-)

Anyway - I had a thought. Maybe you've already had this thought. Maybe this is something that everyone already knows. But I've never heard anyone say it. So here goes - I've figured out exactly why updating our status has become such a huge deal.

People want intimacy.

We, as God intended and created us to be, want to KNOW and BE KNOWN. It's not easy to put yourself out there. It takes some bravery to let people know what you're thinking or wanting. It's hard to put dreams out there for the world to see because who knows how those will be received.

But on Facebook/Twitter, we can throw something out there and see how it lands. I know that I have put cryptic messages to people on my status, hoping and pleading that they (OK - he) will read between the lines. You know how excited you get when someone comments on your status, right? And if it starts a flurry of responses - that's just awesome! It makes you feel good. It makes you feel loved. Am I right? Or is that just me?

I love the TV show My Boys. The one from this week was all based on Facebook. It was hysterical. PJ (the girl who narrates) did end up saying that virtual friends are good, but real friends are better. I agree.

Do we think updating our status online will create true intimacy? I think it would be easy to fall into that trap. But hopefully we won't get stuck there. I want to continue to take risks out there in the scary real world. I want to open up to real people. I want to be brave and let others know what I'm thinking.

On a side note, I just have to say that waiting on a guy to do something is insane. They just don't get it! (No offense to any male readers!) I want to go back to 5th grade and ask a friend to ask him if he likes me. Wasn't that much simpler? Ugh! I could write a note and fold it into the shape of an arrow or that other fun fold that I can't even begin to describe. (Remember those? It was rectangular and had a little flap that stuck down inside. Random. I wonder if kids still fold notes that way.) Anyway, waiting stinks. I immediately go to the bad place that says it's me, I'm unlikeable, blah blah blah. But I am likeable, so what the heck? I just want to ask a guy what he is thinking. Guys don't put cryptic messages on their Facebook for me to analyze, darn it! I just wish it could be simpler, you know?

I'm totally off topic now, so I better end this and go update my status on Facebook.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I think facebook has become the reason I don't blog as much anymore. I, too, have thought about this phenomenon. I have a friend who recently vowed to stay off facebook for one month to concentrate on her writing. After her one month hiatus, she closed her facebook account because she could see what it was taking from her.