Tuesday, November 21, 2006

How Do You Know?

OK, my anonymous friend. You've got me all wrapped up in your little comment.
The man you're hoping and praying for does exist.
You sound so sure. How do you know? You say it like you have no doubt. I don't know - I doubt. But, I will continue to hope and pray.


Anonymous said...

I AM sure. Everyone has a perfect mate. I know that. I also know that it may not be who you think it is. It may not be who you expect. It may not be who you initially desire it to be. That's where patience and timing come in. Keep your heart open and free, because if you decide to stop waiting and you make a move, that's the moment he'll come along- and that's the exact moment you don't want to be gone.

Anonymous said...

OK, just to be the "devil's advocate"... remember that God isn't going to blog you and all we can do as your friends is speculate and encourage. No answers are going to be found through the surmising and support of your friends. I know you know that, it just seems like this blogging thing could tread closely (if I were doing it) to trying to kind of forcing God's answers earlier than He's ready to reveal them, or used as a replacement for really continuing to seek HIM and HIS words directly. I'm not trying to accuse you of anything or presume you are doing something you aren't, I guess I'm just cautioning - I think its a "trap" that I, as friend, can fall into as well - trying to have that word or phrase that is going to solve all this for you - I can't and we can't - all the presuming and speculating we do is really just babbel to God's ears.

Gosh, I hope you understand my intent, I'm not trying to parent or scold or accuse - I'm not even trying to suggest that you are struggling with it now... it just hit me as I was reading all this and its just a suggestion that you stay guarded against putting too much value on the other human minds and spirits trying to support you though this challenging time.

Erin said...

To Anonymous: Not to sound defeatist, but it feels like I'll FOREVER be waiting because I don't make moves. Thanks for your comment. Truthfully, it's not what I wanted to hear. But you're probably right.

And as I'm about to post that - I read Christy's. Perfect timing. God really follows us minute by minute. You are absolutely right. I think I was just falling into that exact trap. Amazing. I do want someone to say a magic word that will make it all better. Why can't God blog me? Life would be so much simpler.