Friday, June 13, 2008

Random Thoughts

Randomness - it's good to have some occasionally.

I ate chocolate cake at Outback tonight. I wish I hadn't. I'm still working with my nutritionist. I hit a snag back in February. I've lost like close to 30 pounds total, but I wasn't losing very quickly anymore so I kind of gave up and decided that it just wasn't going to happen for me. I was done. I'd lost as much as I'd ever lose. There's no way I'd ever lose anymore and I shouldn't even bother. Totally my defeatist "I'm not good enough" belief kicking in. So I'm doing another 3 months with her. But it's bugging me that I ate chocolate cake. It wasn't even that good! What a waste!

My other random thought has been forgotten now. Hmmmm. I wonder. Oh well. I'll make up something else. :-)

I wore different earrings tonight. I haven't put my studs back in since my post about earrings. I wore some dangle ones and they didn't bother me too badly. They actually made me feel pretty girly, which is quite a change to how I usually feel.

Now it's bugging me that I can't remember what I was going to write about. OH. I just remembered. Ha. Are you laughing at me yet?

OK - I have to get my front teeth replaced. Yep, that's right. I have two fake teeth up front. I fell off my bike when I was a kid and chipped them really badly. I've had all kinds of fake teeth since I was 7 years old. But never any that I could take out. That would have been FUN! So this black line is showing up around one of them. I've never had that before. I bet you've seen someone like that. I've had fake teeth for about 30 years and that's never happened to me. I don't like it much. It's kind of vain to get them fixed - it's really expensive, but my smile is kind of a big deal to me. So - I'm spending the money. The even bigger vain thing is that I'm going to go ahead and get my teeth bleached before getting my two new ones. The veneers don't bleach so I can never do any whitening to my teeth. I feel a little guilty about it, but am at the same time very excited to see how white my teeth will get. That's vain, right? The money could be put to better use than just my teeth, but teeth are important too. AUGH.

So this post has absolutely no point. There's no big lesson learned. There's no insight that can be ascertained from my writing. Ha. But you keep reading. It reminds me of this shirt at Target that I saw tonight. It's this whole paragraph about why you're standing there reading this t-shirt and don't you have anything better to do. But it's too late now, you have to keep reading and aren't you glad you're now at the bottom. It made me giggle. But it calls the reader a loser and a big idiot and I don't feel like wearing that.

OK - I'm done. That's 3 minutes you'll never get back.

AUGH - and my dog has fleas! YUCK! That grosses me out. I did the frontline today and want to keep him outside until tomorrow but he just sits at the door and barks. He feels very unloved when we leave him outside. So Elyssa just begged me to let him in. Maybe the fleas are already poisoned and are dying on him right now. It's so gross! He's such a good dog. Have I put a picture of him on here yet? Well, here's one, just in case.


Anonymous said...

Don't minimize the importance of how you feel about your teeth. Go get them done, it's important to you and that's enough. And haven't we all eaten cake when we should not have, only to discover too late that "it wasn't really that good." But get back UP, dust yourself off and go for the gusto of losing weight. If you just keep up the work, God will give you the victory, then you and God can take a victory lap in the body you want and deserve.

Anonymous said...

I was happy to see that you want to get your teeth whitened. Not that they aren't lovely as they are, but a lot of times, the exterior (and how we take care of it) reflects how we feel on the "interior". So, to me, I'm starting to see you focus on you and take care of you (your health, working out, beating yourself up over cake) it's all because you seem to be coming into a place of self love and acceptance.