Friday, June 06, 2008


Yea! School's over. Almost three months off! Sigh. Maybe I'll even have time to write again.

We had Star Wars Day again on June 3rd. It was our third annual celebration - very cool. I went as Queen Amidala this year. It's what she wears at the very end of Episode I. A parent of a 4th grader made my costume for me. Amazing! My two team-mates went in my old costumes. They never complained once - I love it that they give that day to me. Very cool.

Oh - and I forgot to tell you - WE GOT INTO FAMILY CAMP! God answers prayers. We're so excited!

What else is going on? My house is a wreck. I'm exhausted. I have an interesting earring story to tell, but I'll do that tomorrow. I'm too tired. I've also got this weird bug that I swear is following me around the house. He/She/It was in the shower with me yesterday. It's some kind of fly, but it looks kind of scary. It's got weird shaped wings. I wanted to call it a dragon fly - but there really is such a thing as a dragon fly. . . and it doesn't look like that. It's hanging out with me right now, just flying around. Hmmmm. Wonder what's up with the scary looking fly?

Seriously, if I'm writing about flies, I think it's time for bed.


Amy said...

It's okay. Write about flies. Tell us the earring story. I'd love to read it. I've been bad about writing blogs myself lately, but I still read them, so share, share, share.

Anonymous said...

SO glad to hear about Family Camp! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Family Camp, we're so glad you are getting to go. Make the absolute best of it , maximize, lots of pictures, lots of memories, lots of smiles, and lots of thankfulness.