Saturday, June 02, 2007

New Bikes

Elyssa learned how to ride a bike at her dad's house. Yea! I was hoping he'd teach her. I tried, but running behind a bike is not my idea of fun. That's a dad's job. I'm proud of him for stepping up.

We had to buy her a bigger bicycle. So we decided to get one for me too, because obviously she's going to want to ride around. I think I'm going to die. How does a 7 year old have more energy to ride bikes than me? She was constantly waaaay ahead of me. My legs feel like jello. I need a shower. And what's this about helmets? I don't want to wear one. I didn't wear one when I was a kid. I hate them. They look dorky and make your head hot. But I am a responsible parent. I let Elyssa pick out a helmet just like hers (thankfully just red and purple - we looked for a Star Wars one, but no luck.) I'm wearing it. I don't like it - but I'm wearing it.

I didn't fall at all! Yea me!


Anonymous said...

I want to see a picture of the two of you with your helmets :)

Amy said...

Jeff beat me to the punch! I was going to ask for a picture, too!!!

Carlotta said...

Hey, I'll be a third one to jump on the pic request!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just caught up on the past few weeks. We've made the rounds from Austin to Cypress (near Houston) and met the new nephew. Tomorrow its off to Kemah (near Houston), then back to Austin Saturday and home. I know you don't need all that information, but aren't I nice to give it anyway! You would love Griffin (6) and Jake (4) they are obsessed with Star Wars and all things intergalactic.

Anyway, I love the bike story, too and want to see pictures!! I hope you're doing well!!

Anonymous said...

Still waiting on the picture ;)