Saturday, June 30, 2007


I'm very thankful for the rain. Want to know why? It's not what you think. Yeah, yeah - it gives all living things a drink. Yea for rain. But it also stops silly blond girls from thinking they can actually dig up stumps in the flower bed.

Holy crap! Have you ever tried to dig up the roots of a bush? This is no wimpy bush either. It's more like a tree - that's what it is! I think I have 4 to pull up. I couldn't even get the first one to wiggle! I dug all around it, not in dirt mind you. This is thick Texas clay. I thought with the ground being wet it would be easier. Um, no. I got very discouraged. I wanted to quit. But I just knew all the neighbors were watching out their windows. Let's listen in on their conversations, shall we?
Thank God that blond gringa is actually going to clean up her flower beds. Uh-oh, she's having trouble. Should we offer to help? Nah, it's more fun to watch her struggle. Look at her singing with her headphones. Dig blondie, dig! You can do it. Oh it's starting to rain. Does the blondie have a brain or will she keep digging in the rain? Nope, she went inside. Good gringa. Smart. Now - what's she doing out here with a camera?
Thank God for rain. I could go inside without shame.

And since I had a camera, can I just rant for a bit about those stupid fluffy webworms? You know the ones. They are all cute and fluffy. They have completely eaten one of my trees. Look there are almost no leaves left. Stupid greedy little suckers.


Anonymous said...

You are hilarious :)

Anonymous said...

You now know the advantage of living in a condo downtown with a little guy who takes care of the "landscaping" (what little there is!)... while we go on the Lake and play at the Taste!

Can't WAIT for you to get here!!!!!