Saturday, January 26, 2008

If The World Worked My Way

  • Knowing what your problem is would make the problem go away.
  • Knowing someone is a jerk would make you stop hoping he'd call.
  • Knowing someone is not right for you would make you stop wondering about it.
  • Knowing something in your mind would be enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THIS world is often controlled by Satan because he is soooooo crafty.
He can often sound like God, causing massive confusion on our part. Other times, when we have somehow "drifted" out of God's flow, we find ourselves in a very dark place with no light to guide us. It is in those dark times that Satan attacks us with, "God doesn't really care for you." I've heard it, I've repeated it, and it has nearly killed my soul. But then, what I've "hidden in my heart," comes to rescue me, and like every prodical son or daughter, I leave the hog pen and journey back to my Father, and He ALWAYS puts a robe on my back and a ring on my finger. It is soooo true that I have decided to never visit the far country again, AND never listen to Satan again. But it all begins with "hiding His word in your heart" so you can easily access it when you need it. It has saved my soul, and now I am lifted up beyond my greatest dreams, and "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." AMEN!
It will work for you too. Remember, He gave His ONLY Son to save you, so you must see the value He places on you and how badly He wants to have a continuing
relationship with you. He wants you happy, blessed, safe, and that way for eternity! You CAN do it!