Monday, December 11, 2006

Trust in Him (again)

The care that is filling your mind at this moment, or but waiting till you lay the book aside to leap upon you - that need which is no need, is a demon sucking at the spring of your life. "No; mine is a reasonable care - an unavoidable care, indeed." Is it something you have to do at this very moment? "No." then you are allowing it to usurp the place of something that is required of you this moment. "There is nothing required of me at this moment." Nay but there is - the greatest thing that can be required of man. "Pray, what is it?" Trust in the living God. . . . "I do trust Him in spiritual matters." Everything is an affair of the spirit.
George MacDonald
Do I trust God with everything? Or only with certain things? I don't want a demon sucking at the spring of my life. I think so much that my care is important but what's important is that I trust Him with everything. I still hurt. I still have an empty spot. But my living God is right here with me now; hurting with me, loving me, ready and waiting to fill my empty spot - if only I will let Him. He won't force His way in. He waits until I ask.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that quote is amazing... convicting me at this very moment as I struggle with some "cares" that I have no need to burden myself with - and I KNOW for a fact it is impacting other things God would be having me participating in. Wow... isn't this journey through life amazing, though we are far apart geographically and at different places in our lives, the exact same convicting words of truth can bring us right back home.

I know you're hurting Erin, and I do hurt for you and wish I could erase everything that hurts. But, I also see God moving you forward, maturing you, growing you and preparing you and sometimes I think He finds that growth and maturity way more valuable than our comfort. So, hang in there and know that you are proceding... step by very faithful step.

Erin said...

I'm glad you see God moving me. I don't. I hurt. It sucks.

I keep finding the perfect quote or the perfect verse, but it helps for just a minute. So then I feel like a failure. I don't get it. I'm glad the quote was good for you; maybe that's why I found it?

And the worst? There are others who are dealing with real hurts. Mine is a selfish hurt. Mine is NOTHING compared to what lots of people are dealing with. But even acknowledging that doesn't help. So then I feel like an ass. You know?