Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Enthralled By My Beauty

Every woman who reads this will totally know what I'm saying. You have the days where you just think to yourself - I'm fat, ugly and no one will ever love me. Right? We've all done it.

I copied this verse on a post-it note and taped it to my mirror. I read it every time I look in the mirror. I'm inhaling it into my very soul. I want to believe it. You should too.
Psalm 45:11
The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your lord.
Enthralled - do you get the power behind that word? It means being held spellbound or captive. To be enslaved. To be filled with wonder and delight.

Our King is enthralled by each and every one of us. Enthralled, ladies. Completely enthralled.

I want to give Him my honor. I want to give Him my purity. He is all that matters and He is enthralled - by my beauty! Feels good. :-)


Carlotta said...

WOW! That's an awesome verse, Erin. Thanks for sharing that with us. I certainly need to be reminded of that from time to time.

Amy said...

Awesome! Thank you for the reminder. I like that word...enthralled...and by MY beauty. Wow!

Anonymous said...

That one gave me chilly bumps - that's awesome. I may have to put that one on my mirror, too! We're His artwork... that's just a fantastic verse and perfect reminder. GO GOD! =)

Debbie said...

Thanks for sharing, Erin. I have been struggling with this in such a big way lately. What a perfect reminder that I am His. I too will be putting that on my mirror, in both bathrooms, and in my car! God bless.