Monday, March 26, 2007

Please Get Out Of My Head

Is it because spring is in the air that everyone is thinking & writing about boyfriends?

Don't mind me ~ just in a bad mood. I shouldn't be. I should be in a great mood. I wish I could list all the reasons for why I should be in a great mood. I had a great weekend. All of it. The whole weekend was great. I can't list all the reasons because I have to protect the nameless. (Yeah, I'm talking about myself.)

I'm not good at letting go. I want to. I really want to, because holding on makes me miserable.

Why does God allow the hurt/longing to stay even after I've admitted that what I want is not right? I get that. I'm praying constantly for the ability to let go. God knows I want to - I can't lie to Him. So if letting go is the right thing to do, and I want to do it, and I'm praying for it - WHY CAN'T I? I've been letting go since December. That's plenty of time, I believe.

Does anyone have any pearls of wisdom?


Carlotta said...

Eeek! Am I one of the ones writing about such things? Sorry, it wasn't because of spring. I had someone challenge me to blog about what I am looking for, so I took the challenge. I assume I am one of the culprits you mentioned. Anyhow-
Letting go is terribly hard. Even when you know it is right, and even when you are earnestly praying for it. I know of what I speak. IT IS HARD, but it can be done.
Hang in there, and I am glad you had such a great weekend!! That's awesome.

Erin said...

Well, you were one - but not the only. Didn't mean to make you feel guilty. I loved your list - actually planned to comment when I had more time.

I'm just in a funk.

Carlotta said...

Yeah, we all get "funky" sometimes. I totally understand. If I can help, let me know. If not...please accept my cyber-hug!!!!